Listen you guys…I get it, some days even I am like…UGHH. I don’t care that there is syrup on the floor or cheerios everywhere. Maybe today I will choose to sit on the crumby couch rather than clean it up. The cat literally TP’s my bathroom on a weekly basis. No joke! She shreds the roll and I get to pick up the tiny remnants. My sweet kids are like little mini tornados throwing dirt all over my house. How do we have the motivation to clean on a Wednesday when Monday and Tuesday kicked us in the face?!? Short answer….we really don’t! What we do have are ways to get our mojo going and get stuff done. I put together a few tips that help me get moving when I really simply do not want to do it.
One Step At A Time!
It sounds like a no brainer but looking at the whole house can be overwhelming. You don’t have to do it all in one day. For me, it’s easier to piece it out room by room or on hard days one surface at a time. Ultimately, it would be perfect to make a schedule (I know that may even be a chore with being home, working, and having the kids around) to designate one area per day. In effect, you break down your house cleaning to daily chores that may take up to an hour. Monday – bathrooms. Tuesday – master bedroom. Wednesday – kids rooms. Thursday – full on kitchen. Friday – living room vacuum and mop. I leave out laundry because, well that never ends! Weekends you have off (aside from the usual sink duty but if your kids are old enough put them to work! I’ll circle back to that).

Crank The Tunes!
Okay, don’t tell but I was cleaning the other day with my head phones on to some awesome 90’s summer hits! I was SO feeling it that I had to stop and do a minny dance party in the kitchen. There was just no stopping it and I cleaned the HECK out of that place. Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. Music makes things happen! Researchers at the University of Illinois found that listening to music increases work output by almost 7 percent, according to Lifehacker. And, “generally speaking, faster music helps us feel more energized and heightens our awareness,” according to Psychology Today. They say that an upbeat tune can actually make you work and move quicker so it’s possible you may get the job done faster.
“generally speaking, faster music helps us feel more energized and heightens our awareness,”
Bring In Reinforcements!
This may be a tough one for some. Not all parents will be on board but those littles that contribute to the mess can be part of the clean it up. In my house, we don’t move on to the next fun thing until the first mess gets cleaned up. Now, my kids are smaller so sometimes I have to help because big jobs are overwhelming for them but it’s totally worth it. Putting the dishes away can be a team sport! Helping with the groceries can be a job they can feel proud of. Making their bed (usually it’s just the habit – it almost never looks made) is their big kid daily chore. They like to feel like they are contributing! I take it as a win whenever they help a momma out.

Get Up and Get Dressed – For Real!
Okay, I am that girl that gets right out of bed (cafe primero) and gets dressed strait away. It is so hard for me to stay in my PJs and actually get anything accomplished. If I hop out of bed, wash my face and put on my clothes for the day I am almost always getting a jump start on my day. Own your day – don’t let it own you! So, in other words…set your intention for the day. Make today an awesome day. Get fired up. Listen to a quick podcast from someone who really motivates you. Look up Ed Mylett, Jay Shetty, or Jen Hatmaker! I listen to plenty and I love, LOVE to share. Email me for more great motivational masters. Now…go get cleaning.